Short Saturday: Newspapers 2.0

There’s been a lot of talk about the state of journalism these days, mostly by serious journalists (Mort Rosenblum’s been talking about it for years). Like bookstores, newspapers and news magazines are closing down at an alarming rate, which has real journalists in a...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 6)

These days it seems like a lot of folks live in public—between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram (and there are many others), blogging and other personal websites, texting and emailing, there is a massive amount of information “out there.” But I’m not sure if our...

Where Do You Get Your Story Ideas? (Part 5)

We’ve talked about those ripped-from-today’s-headlines stories as a source of ideas for fiction: teen bullying and suicide, drug addiction, drug legalization … These are all topics in the news right now, and might well provide a theme upon which to build a compelling...

Short Saturday: Real-Time Media Map

A friend of mine brought this fascinating little interactive map to my attention, and I think it’s so interesting I wanted to bring it to yours. Honestly, I’m not smart enough to extrapolate a smart post from this data … but I do think it’s an interesting statement...

Reading Up: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

I have said repeatedly—and believe with all my heart—that you cannot be a good writer unless you are a good reader. A voracious reader, in fact. This is advice you’ll see again and again. But before you start indulging yourself in that stack of Dan Brown thrillers or...